

Neurology is a branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and disorders of the nervous system. This complex system includes the brain, spinal cord and the nerves connecting them. Neurological complaints, diagnosis and treatment options have seen remarkable growth and improvements due to awareness and technological advances, which allow early discovery of conditions and subsequent cure. Top amongst these being strokes leading to paralysis, a common condition, however if medical help is sought within 30 minutes to 1 hour at the right centre, there is a high possibility of complete reversal. Brain tumours, convulsions, epilepsy, memory-related conditions and disorders related to balance and gait (walk) are few regular complaints. While many of these seem common ailments in the elderly, neurological afflictions can happen across age-groups.

Neurology Surgeons at Aditi Hospital, Mumbai

Aditi hospital utilises an evidence-based approach in patient care and hence our clinical outcomes are at par with International protocols and quality standards. The hospital is therefore able to achieve favorable outcomes for reversing stroke damage in all cases where the patient arrives within the golden hour. This is also made feasible through continuous training designed to upgrade skills of our clinical and support team.

Our Doctors

Dr. Bhavin Pujara


Dr. Dhanashri N. Chonkar

MBBS, MD & DNB (Neurology)

For the greater part of us, our house isn't only a place, it's the place we bring up our kids,

Our Services

diabetic foot
Diabetic Foot
General Physician
General physician

For Emergency Call us at +91 8070427427 

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About Us

Inspired by the mythological Mother of the Gods and named after the proprietor’s first-born, Aditi Hospital has a glorious legacy of over 3 decades. Our Hospital provides high-level health services,  offers comprehensive solutions for the treatment of any health disease.

Inspired by the mythological Mother of the Gods and named after the proprietor’s first-born, Aditi Hospital has a glorious legacy of over 3 decades. Our Hospital provides high-level health services,  offers comprehensive solutions for the treatment of any health disease.

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