Nephrology is a discipline of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of kidney ailments. The most common form of kidney disease is chronic kidney disease (CKD). Kidney (renal) conditions are not only related to the organs but may also be genetic, requiring special treatment. Renal patients range from across age-groups with conditions like haematuria, hypertension, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, proteinuria, and disorders of acid/base or electrolytes and acute kidney failure.
We offer high-end diagnostics central to the management of kidney health and a broad spectrum of treatment options for pregnancy-related kidney ailments, dialysis and kidney transplant. Our state-of-the-art dialysis units with modern equipment operate 24*7, providing a comfortable environment to the patients. Pivotal to our kidney program is the psychosocial wellness support, health education and advanced care, accessible to patients to enable a longer and better quality of life.
Inspired by the mythological Mother of the Gods and named after the proprietor’s first-born, Aditi Hospital has a glorious legacy of over 3 decades. Our Hospital provides high-level health services, offers comprehensive solutions for the treatment of any health disease.
Inspired by the mythological Mother of the Gods and named after the proprietor’s first-born, Aditi Hospital has a glorious legacy of over 3 decades. Our Hospital provides high-level health services, offers comprehensive solutions for the treatment of any health disease.